The updatables…
- Bown, Chad P., Trump’s Trade War Timeline 2.0: An Up-to-Date Guide. PIIE Realtime Economic Issues Watch, 2025. (Updated as events unfold since February 2025.)
- Bown, Chad P., US-China Trade War Tariffs: An Up-to-Date Chart. PIIE Chart, 2023. (Updated as events unfold since 2019.)
- Bown, Chad P., Russia’s war on Ukraine: A sanctions timeline. PIIE Realtime Economic Issues Watch, 2023. (Updated as events unfold since March 2022.)
- Bown, Chad P. and Melina Kolb, Trump’s Trade War Timeline: An Up-to-Date Guide. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, January 20, 2025. (Now retired. Was updated as events unfolded since March 2018.)
- Bown, Chad P. and Douglas A. Irwin, The Incoherent Case for Tariffs. Trump’s Fixation on Economic Coercion Will Subvert His Economic Goals. Foreign Affairs, 11 March 2025.
- Bown, Chad P., Nothing. I wrote absolutely nothing in 2024. Here’s why. U.S. Department of State, 29 January 2024.
- Bown, Chad P., The Challenge of Export Controls. IMF Finance & Development v60, n2 (June 2023): 18-21.
- Bown, Chad P., US imports from China are both decoupling and reaching new highs. Here’s how. PIIE Chart, 31 March 2023.
- Bown, Chad P. and Yilin Wang, Five years into the trade war, China continues its slow decoupling from US exports. PIIE Realtime Economics, 16 March 2023.
- Bown, Chad P. and Yilin Wang, Taiwan’s outbound foreign investment, particularly in tech, continues to go to mainland China despite strict controls. PIIE Chart, 27 February 2023.
- Bown, Chad P., The Return of Export Controls. A Risky Tactic That Requires Cooperation From Allies. Foreign Affairs, 24 January 2023.
- Bown, Chad P., Four years into the trade war, are the US and China decoupling? PIIE Realtime Economics, 20 October 2022.
- Bown, Chad P., First trade war, now Russia’s real war. Why US exports to China continue to suffer. PIIE Realtime Economics, 12 September 2022.
- Bown, Chad P., The US was quick to produce COVID-19 vaccines. Then it fell behind. PIIE Realtime Economics, 21 June 2022.
- Bown, Chad P. and Yilin Wang, China’s recent trade moves create outsize problems for everyone else. PIIE Realtime Economics, 25 April 2022.
- Bown, Chad P., US-China phase one tracker: China’s purchases of US goods. PIIE Chart, 11 March 2022. (Had been updated monthly, May 2020 – March 2022. Now retired.)
- Bown, Chad P., China bought none of the extra $200 billion of US exports in Trump’s trade deal. PIIE Realtime Economics, 8 February 2022 (Updated 19 July 2022).
- Bown, Chad P., The False Allure of Managed Trade. The Wall Street Journal, 16 December 2021.
- Bown, Chad P. and Katheryn N. Russ, Biden and Europe remove Trump’s steel and aluminum tariffs, but it’s not free trade. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 11 November 2021.
- Bown, Chad P. and Douglas A. Irwin, Why does everyone suddenly care about supply chains? The New York Times, 14 October 2021.
- Bown, Chad P. and Thomas J. Bollyky, The world needs a COVID-19 Vaccine Investment and Trade Agreement. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 13 October 2021.
- Bown, Chad P. and Cecilia Malmström, A Chance to Preserve the World They Made: America and Europe Seek to Revive Trade Ties. Foreign Affairs, 7 October 2021.
- Bown, Chad P., Why Biden will try to enforce Trump’s phase one trade deal with China. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 4 October 2021 (Updated 15 December 2021).
- Bown, Chad P. and Cecilia Malmström, What is the US-EU Trade and Technology Council? Five things you need to know. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 24 September 2021.
- Bown, Chad P., Don’t let CureVac’s COVID-19 vaccine supply chain go to waste. PIIE Realtime Economic Issues Watch, 9 August 2021. (Related in Le Grand Continent, 19 August 2021, in French or in German.)
- Bown, Chad P., The Missing Chips: How to Protect the Semiconductor Supply Chain. Foreign Affairs, 6 July 2021.
- Bollyky, Thomas J. and Chad P. Bown, The Real Vaccine Procurement Problem: Why America Should Make Its Supply Chain More Transparent. Foreign Affairs, 24 June 2021.
- Bown, Chad P. and Chris Rogers, The US did not ban exports of vaccine supplies. But more help is needed. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 7 June 2021.
- Bown, Chad P. and Thomas J. Bollyky, Here’s how to get billions of COVID-19 vaccine doses to the world. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 18 March 2021.
- Bown, Chad P., Anatomy of a flop: Why Trump’s US-China phase one trade deal fell short. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 8 February 2021
- Bown, Chad P., Monica de Bolle, and Maurice Obstfeld, The pandemic is not under control anywhere unless it is controlled everywhere. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 2 February 2021.
- Bown, Chad P., To Build Back Better, Biden Needs to Fix Trade. Trump Has Left a Ticking Time Bomb at the WTO. Foreign Affairs, 21 January 2021.
- Bollyky, Thomas J. and Chad P. Bown, Vaccine Nationalism Will Prolong the Pandemic. A Global Problem Calls for Collective Action. Foreign Affairs, 29 December 2020.
- Bown, Chad P., Trump’s phase one trade deal with China and the US election. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 27 October 2020.
- Bown, Chad P., Trade-related Policy Priorities: A Memo for the Next Administration. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 20 October 2020.
- Bown, Chad P., How Trump’s export curbs on semiconductors and equipment hurt the US technology sector. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 28 September 2020.
- Bown, Chad P., There Is Little Dignity in Trump’s Trade Policy. Foreign Affairs, 9 July 2020.
- Bown, Chad P. and Phil Levy, All Roads to a Better Trade Deal Lead Through the WTO. Foreign Policy, 28 May 2020.
- Bown, Chad P., China should export more medical gear to battle COVID-19. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 5 May 2020.
- Bown, Chad P., COVID-19 Could Bring Down the Trading System. Foreign Affairs, 28 April 2020.
- Bown, Chad P., How the G20 can strengthen access to vital medical supplies in the fight against COVID-19. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 15 April 2020.
- Bown, Chad P., COVID-19: Trump’s curbs on exports of medical gear put Americans and others at risk. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 9 April 2020.
- Bown, Chad P., COVID-19: China’s exports of medical supplies provide a ray of hope. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 26 March 2020.
- Bown, Chad P., EU limits on medical gear exports put poor countries and Europeans at risk. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 19 March 2020.
- Bown, Chad P., Trump’s trade policy is hampering the US fight against COVID-19. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 13 March 2020.
- Bown, Chad P. and Soumaya Keynes, Why did Trump End the WTO’s Appellate Body? Tariffs. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 4 March 2020.
- Bown, Chad P. and Mary E. Lovely, Trump’s Phase One Deal Relies on China’s State-Owned Enterprises. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 3 March 2020.
- Bown, Chad P., Trump’s Steel and Aluminum Tariffs Are Cascading Out of Control. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 5 February 2020.
- Bown, Chad P., Unappreciated Hazards of the US-China Phase One Deal. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 21 January 2020.
- Bown, Chad P., Phase One China Deal: Steep Tariffs are the New Normal. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 19 December 2019.
- Blanchard, Emily J., Chad P. Bown, and Davin Chor, Trump’s trade war cost Republicans congressional seats in the 2018 midterm elections., 26 November 2019.
- Bown, Chad P. and Douglas A. Irwin, Trump’s Assault on the Global Trading System. And Why Decoupling From China Will Change Everything. Foreign Affairs, September/October 2019, 98(5): 125-136.
- Bown, Chad P. and Jennifer A. Hillman, The October Truce on US-China Trade Failed to Address Subsidies. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 22 October 2019.
- Bown, Chad P., The Trade War Will Catch Up to Trump. The Atlantic, 10 September 2019.
- Bown, Chad P., The Trade War is Suddenly Getting Worse. PIIE Charts, 29 August 2019.
- Bown, Chad P., US-China Trade War: The Guns of August. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 26 August 2019.
- Bown, Chad P., Trump’s Fall 2019 China Tariff Plan: Five Things You Need to Know. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 14 August 2019.
- Bown, Chad P. and Douglas A. Irwin, Is Trump right when he tweets that tariffs bring in government revenue? Here are 5 things you need to know. Washington Post (Monkey Cage), 16 July 2019.
- Bown, Chad P., Trump’s Mini-Trade War with India. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 8 July 2019.
- Bown, Chad P., China is Cutting Tariffs – For Everyone Else. The Atlantic, 18 June 2019.
- Bown, Chad P., The 2018 Trade War and the End of Dispute Settlement as We Knew It., 13 June 2019.
- Bown, Chad P., Euijin Jung and Eva Zhang, Trump Has Gotten China to Lower Its Tariffs. Just Toward Everyone Else. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 12 June 2019.
- Bown, Chad P. and Eva Zhang, Trump’s 2019 Protection Could Push China Back to Smoot-Hawley Tariff Levels. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 14 May 2019.
- Bown, Chad P., Five Things to Look for in any Trump-China Deal on Subsidies. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 3 May 2019.
- Bown, Chad P. and Eva Zhang, Will a US-China Trade Deal Remove or Just Restructure the Massive 2018 Tariffs? PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 24 April 2019.
- Bown, Chad P. and Eva Zhang, Measuring Trump’s 2018 Trade Protection: Five Takeaways. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 15 February 2019.
- Bown, Chad P., Why the US Needs Allies in a Trade War Against China. Harvard Business Review, 11 December 2018.
- Bown, Chad P., Euijin Jung, and Eva Zhang, Trump’s Steel Tariffs Have Hit Smaller and Poorer Countries the Hardest. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 15 November 2018.
- Bown, Chad P., Protectionism Was Threatening Global Supply Chains before Trump., 8 November 2018.
- Bown, Chad P., The 5 Surprising Things about the New USMCA Trade Agreement. Washington Post (Monkey Cage), 9 October 2018.
- Bown, Chad P., Euijin Jung, and Zhiyao Lu, Trump and China Formalize Tariffs on $260 Billion of Imports and Look Ahead to Next Phase. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 20 September 2018.
- Bown, Chad P., For Trump, it was a summer of tariffs and more tariffs. Here’s where things stand. Washington Post (Monkey Cage), 7 September 2018.
- Bown, Chad P., Sweating the Auto Details of Trump’s Trade Deal with Mexico. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 29 August 2018.
- Bown, Chad P., Zhiyao Lu, and Jeffrey J. Schott, China’s $60 Billion Tariff Announcement. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 15 August 2018.
- Bown, Chad P., and Eva Zhang, First Tariffs, Then Subsidies: Soybeans Illustrate Trump’s Wrongfooted Approach on Trade. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 30 July 2018.
- Bown, Chad P., Euijin Jung, and Zhiyao Lu, Trump’s $262 Billion China Tariff Threat Plays with the Bank’s Money. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 24 July 2018.
- Bown, Chad P., Euijin Jung, and Zhiyao Lu, Trump’s Latest $200 Billion Tariffs on China Threaten a Big Blow to American Consumers. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 13 July 2018.
- Bown, Chad P., Euijin Jung, and Zhiyao Lu, Canada Strikes Back! Here Is a Breakdown. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 5 July 2018.
- Bown, Chad P., Euijin Jung, and Zhiyao Lu, Harley Is a Tariff Trend Setter-But Not in a Good Way. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 29 June 2018.
- Bown, Chad P., Euijin Jung, and Zhiyao Lu, China’s Retaliation to Trump’s Tariffs. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 22 June 2018.
- Bown, Chad P., Euijin Jung, and Zhiyao Lu, Trump, China, and Tariffs: From Soybeans to Semiconductors. PIIE Trade and Investment Policy Watch, 18 June 2018.
- Bown, Chad P., The global trade system is not broken.The Economist Open Future debate, 7-13 May 2018.
- Opening statement, 7 May 2018.
- Rebuttal statement, 9 May 2018.
- Closing statement, 11 May 2018.
- Bown, Chad P., The ‘element of surprise’ is a bad strategy for a trade war. Harvard Business Review, April 16, 2018.
- Bown, Chad P., More than Soybeans: Trump’s Section 301 Tariffs and China’s Response. PIIE Trade & Investment Policy Watch, 4 April 2018
- Bown, Chad P., Trump’s long-awaited steel and aluminum tariffs are just the beginning. PIIE Trade & Investment Policy Watch , 26 March 2018.
- Bown, Chad P. and Douglas A. Irwin, Does Trump want a trade war? What you need to know about Smoot-Hawley tariffs and the 1930s. Washington Post (Monkey Cage), 21 March 2018.
- Bown, Chad P., What We Do and Don’t Know After Trump’s Tariff Announcement. Harvard Business Review, 9 March 2018.
- Bown, Chad P., Europe is pushing back against Trump’s steel and aluminum tariffs. Here’s how. Washington Post (Monkey Cage), 9 March 2018.
- Bown, Chad P., Trump’s Steel and Aluminum Tariffs Are Counterproductive. Here Are 5 More Things You Need to Know. PIIE Trade & Investment Policy Watch, 7 March 2018.
- Bown, Chad P., Trump’s Steel and Aluminum Tariffs: How WTO Retaliation Typically Works. PIIE Trade & Investment Policy Watch, 5 March 2018.
- Bown, Chad P., Trump has announced massive aluminum and steel tariffs. Here are 5 things you need to know. Washington Post (Monkey Cage), 1 March 2018.
- Bown, Chad P., China’s latest trade maneuver is worrying. Here’s the story. Washington Post (Monkey Cage), 6 February 2018.
- Bown, Chad P., Canada Turned to the WTO because Trump Has Threatened NAFTA. Washington Post (Monkey Cage), 30 January 2018.
- Bown, Chad P., What is GSP and why does it matter for U.S. trade? Washington Post (Monkey Cage), 25 January 2018.
- Bown, Chad P., President Trump’s solar and washer tariffs may have now opened the floodgates of protectionism. Washington Post (Monkey Cage), 23 January 2018.
- Bown, Chad P., Ryan Avent’s ‘The Wealth of Humans’ and the Future of Work. PIIE Trade & Investment Policy Watch, 2 January 2018.
- Bown, Chad P. and Caroline Freund, Canada’s Next Move: NAFTA or TPP? The Hill, 6 December 2017.
- Bown, Chad P. and Junie Joseph, Solar and Washing Machine Safeguards in Context: The History of US Section 201 Use., PIIE Trade & Investment Policy Watch, 31 October 2017.
- Bown, Chad P., Needling Foreign Nations May Torpedo Trump’s Trade Agenda. The Hill, 31 October 2017.
- Bown, Chad P., Donald Trump Now Has the Excuse He Needs to Open the Floodgates of Protectionism. Washington Post (Monkey Cage), 9 October 2017.
- Bown, Chad P., Rogue 301: Trump to Dust Off another Outdated US Trade Law? PIIE Trade & Investment Policy Watch, 3 August 2017.
- Bown, Chad P., Trump’s Renegotiation Could Take the ‘Free’ Out of NAFTA’s Trade. PIIE Trade & Investment Policy Watch, 19 July 2017.
- Bown, Chad P. and Alan O. Sykes, Trump’s Reciprocal Tariffs Don’t Add Up. Bloomberg View, 14 June 2017.
- Bown, Chad P., Trump is a new kind of protectionist – He operates in stealth mode. Washington Post (Monkey Cage), 12 June 2017.
- Bown, Chad P. and Alan O. Sykes, The Trump Trade Team’s Vocabulary Problem. Wall Street Journal, 14 May 2017.
- Bown, Chad P., Did Trump just take an ax to the U.S. trade policy relationship with Canada? Washington Post (Monkey Cage), 27 April 2017.
- Bown, Chad P., Trump’s threat of steel tariffs heralds big changes in trade policy. Washington Post (Monkey Cage), 21 April 2017.
- Bown, Chad P., Is the WTO one of Trump’s ‘big quagmire deals’? Here’s what’s at stake. Washington Post (Monkey Cage), 28 February 2017.
- Bown, Chad P., What is NAFTA, and what would happen to U.S. trade without it? Washington Post (Monkey Cage), 15 February 2017.
- Bown, Chad P., Trump’s border tax is not the right fix for U.S.-Mexico trade. PBS NewsHour, 30 January 2017.
- Bown, Chad P., The Perils of Shifting China’s ‘Market Economy’ Dispute to the WTO. World Politics Review, 21 December 2016.
- Bown, Chad P., Trump says China is not a market economy. That’s a big deal. Washington Post (Monkey Cage), 12 December 2016.
- Bown, Chad P., The Truth about Trade Agreements – and Why We Need Them. PBS NewsHour, 21 November 2016.
- Bown, Chad P., Duty-free Beats headphones? Yes, plurilateral trade agreements have something for everyone. Washington Post (Monkey Cage), 20 October 2016.
- Bown, Chad P. and Patricia Tovar, MERCOSUR is not really a free trade agreement, let alone a customs union., 17 September 2016.
- Bown, Chad P. , Brexit: An Impossibly Complex Task for the UK’s New Trade Negotiators? International Banker, Summer 2016: 50-53.
- Bown, Chad P. , The sky fell on the U.S. poultry industry last year. But NAFTA and the TPP helped protect U.S. exports. Washington Post (Monkey Cage), 30 August 2016.
- Bown, Chad P. , The U.S. filed a WTO dispute to save jobs – by increasing imports from China. Here’s why. Washington Post (Monkey Cage), 26 July 2016.
- Bown, Chad P., Starting Over on Tariffs: Post-Brexit Trade Agreement Partners for the United Kingdom, PIIE Trade & Investment Policy Watch , 12 July 2016
- Bown, Chad P. , A quick Brexit or a delayed departure? Here’s where it gets tricky for businesses. Washington Post (Monkey Cage), 7 July 2016.
- Bown, Chad P. , China’s Market Economy Status and Antidumping: A $100 Billion, $10 Billion, or $1 Billion Dispute?PIIE Trade & Investment Policy Watch, 8 June 2016.
- Bown, Chad P. and Meredith Crowley, Today’s Trade Policy and Trade Research., 5 June 2016.
- Bown, Chad P., Brexit Is a Bad Trade. U.S. News & World Report, 3 June 2016.
- Bown, Chad P. and Douglas A. Irwin, The Urban Legend: Pre-GATT Tariffs of 40%., 19 December 2015.
- Bown, Chad P. and Kara M. Reynolds, WTO Trade Disputes, Big and Small., 10 August 2014.
- Bown, Chad P., Trade Policy through 2013: Signs of Improvement but New Policy Concerns., 27 June 2014.
- Bown, Chad P. and Meredith A. Crowley, Emerging-Economy Trade Policy Has Become More Responsive to Economic Shocks under the WTO., 8 February 2013.
- Bown, Chad P., Import Protection Update: Antidumping, Safeguards, and Temporary Trade Barriers through 2011., 18 August 2012.
- Bown, Chad P. and Meredith A. Crowley, Antidumping as Cooperation., 14 July 2012.
- Bown, Chad P. and Meredith A. Crowley, How Did US and EU Trade Policy Withstand the Great Recession?, 28 April 2012.
- Bown, Chad P., Import Protection and the Great Recession., 29 August 2011.
- Bown, Chad P., The WTO Dispute Settlement System Would Survive without Doha., 19 June 2010.
- Bown, Chad P., Antidumping, Safeguards, and Protectionism during the Crisis: Two New Insights from 4th Quarter 2009., 18 February 2010.
- Bown, Chad P., Free-Trade Greenshoots. The Wall Street Journal Asia p. 19 (Op-ed), 18 November 2009.
- Bown, Chad P., Obama Must Resist the Anti-trade Mobs. Financial Times p. 7 (Op-ed), 28 August 2009.
- Bown, Chad P., Protectionism Exposed. The Wall Street Journal p. A13 (Op-ed), 6 August 2009.
- Bown, Chad P., World’s End: Grandma and Globalization. Bucknell World v35, n3 (Summer 2007): 40.